The other day, I ran into a friend at the store who I had worked with about 10 years ago. He was one of those guys that was fun to be around, always had a smile, and made you laugh. We stood in that isle for almost 15 minutes talking and catching up, and I wish that I could say that he was doing well, and that life was what he had expected.
He a had wife and two daughters. Life was good. He had a good paying job,owned a nice house, two cars, and a boat that was his greatest past time. I found out that he had lost his job in late 2007, and just about everything that he worked so hard for. Since his job loss they had lived on his wife's pay, which did not go that far, and eventually had to sell the house, both cars, and the boat.
My friend's family was once the typical middle-class American family, and today, they still represent the typical struggling American family.
I didn't recognize him when I first saw him. I guess attribute it too how I used to remember him. That funny guy who always laughed, smiled, and cheered you up when you needed it. There was no laughter in his voice, only sadness and loss of hope. It was very disturbing for me to see, and it still bothered me days later. That is why I chose to write about it.
"The American Dream," lost to what I call "Economic Terrorism." Yes, terrorism! The sick idea that only a few should hold the majority of the wealth within this country, while the middle class goes extinct and the poor get ever poorer. I thought that those days were over. When Kings would amass great wealth on the backs of the common people. Clearly, some among us think that we should go back to that kind ideology. The idea that 500 people in the US hold more wealth than the middle class and poor combined. It's an economic disaster!
Why is it an economic disaster? Simple. When you take the spending power away from the middle class and poor you break the cycle that capitalism depends on. Imagine that cycle as a circle. Money goes into the circle by people who have paying jobs and then inject that money back into the circle by spending it on food, clothing, and services like restaurants. Take away millions of jobs, and you take away billions and billions of dollars out of the economy. Those 500 people or top 1% of the US population that own the wealth do not spend it in the same way as those millions that have lost their jobs. Thus, the circle is broken, and we suffer consequences. Well, most of us do. Not the 1%.
That is how the middle class create jobs; by spending and borrowing money to keep this economy healthy. I had been saying this for some time now, but just the other day, someone called into The Ed Schultz Show and made a great explanation of it.
I don't know what happened to my friend since then, only that he was disillusioned and lost. I made a choice not to write his name or details that would give him away, but I chose to tell his story, because it needed to be told, and I hope that he does not hold it against me for doing so. I wish him and his family my best, and hope that they get back on their feet very soon, so he can be that guy the I used to know.
It just goes to show you that this disastrous economy which has lasted since the Bush administration affects all of us, not just Democrats or Independents. My friend was and is a Republican, and he was not singled out of the affects that Washington bureaucrats and unscrupulous business people created. He and his family suffer the same as all of us.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
What about schools?
What about schools? I have been hearing more and more lately about state governors taking away money from schools throughout the country. INSANITY! My own Governor Scott Walker from Wisconsin has taken it upon himself to call outright war on teachers, by defunding schools and making a mockery of education. I truly believe it has to do with his dropping out of Marquette University with a 2.3 GPA. Thus, his hatred for them.It’s laughable that a man with such a low GPA can come up with a budget bill that eviscerates school budgets, but leaves millions of dollars in tax breaks to those that donated to his unholy run for office.
I know there are people out there that always whine about having to support local schools with their property taxes. Especially those that do not have kids or those elderly whose kids are all grown up. If we do not educate the children of this country, then who will? Uh, news flash for these morons. Imagine your community with a high concentration of undereducated kids with little or no opportunities. What will these kids do with a third world education? Simply put, mass mayhem of epic proportions. What do people think is going to happen with there are no jobs for them, and McDonald’s is no longer hiring, because they have a plethora of applicants? Kids are going to do what they do in any situation like this. Crime will rise like it has never been seen before. Robberies, assaults, home invasions, and rampant drug abuse will be reality. It will all hit home when those living in their gated communities can’t even come out and live like prisoners in their own mansions. This is not fictional theory. Just look at countries around the world with similar governments that steal from the many, so that the few can live pampered lives.
I have a child that still goes to school in the Madison school system, and I find it hard to comprehend, that teachers have a higher number of kids in their classes than 20 years ago, but have to do it with less. It’s unfathomable! How are children supposed to learn when teachers can’t spend much time per student in a class of up to 40?
I myself went to school in Madison. I found the teachers back then to be very giving, and I appreciated them for all the support they gave me, because I suffered with a learning disability all the way to high school. It wasn’t until I left school that I learned the importance of a good education. Despite my inability to learn certain things as well as my school mates, I have overcome “most” of my failings, and have gone on to pursue my Business degree. If people still have reservations of school funding, then all they have to do is look how a kid me has strived to learn, and overcome those struggles.
Our children’s education is the key to getting this country back on the right track, and keep us from falling into chaos. They deserve better from us. They deserve better from our Governors.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Politics.... Such a dirty word!
Over the years, people have come to view politics as a bad word. And with good reason. All the hypocrisy and shenanigans that go in in the halls of justice, have been more entertainment than what it's meant for. REPRESENTATION! If by wheeling and dealing, prostitutes, and outright taking bribes under the table is representing us, then we must be a sad people indeed. Ask yourselves, am I that type of person? If you are not, is your Congress person, Senator, or President representing you, as you think they are supposed to?
We deserve better than a politician that thinks the position that they hold is meant to further their career or fatten their bank accounts. I, for one, am sick of seeing politicians turn into reality TV personas. It must be easy for them to get lost in the limelight, and forget about the people that sent them to Washington or their State capitol to earn their pay and the vote that got them there.
It's time for "The People" to take these unscrupulous, incredulous, and narcissistic politicians and put them over our knee. The courts seem to think that these people are above the law or that they deserve some sort of lenient an preferential treatment when they flout the laws of this land. Corruption is rampant at every level of the government and the Blind Eye of the Law is bloodshot red. The only time the law is working or not, is when it pertains to us normal everyday people. That's when the judges are all high and mighty about taking their job seriously. WHAT EVER !!!!
This is my personal view, and don't care if anyone else agrees, but I seriously think that WE need to force the change to the political climate. Why? Because it's broken! Call all the Kings horses, and all the Kings men. Let's put this Humpty Dumpty, back together again....We need to vote in people that will take up laws that will punish severely those that claim to represent us in government, and choose to commit crimes in our names. The first step to cleaning the garbage out of government is to apply the Bribery Law more often, and change the way it is set up. The new law that should be in place would give judges the power to sentence ANYONE that gets elected to office at any level to 20 years MANDATORY sentence in a federal facility that takes a bribe, and 20 years to the person or persons also involved. Secondly, limiting the availability to lawmakers from lobbyist. The current law does not allow lobbyist in the chambers or offices of lawmakers, but they can hang out in the lobby and wait for them to come out and pounce with their checkbooks in hand. That is why they are called Lobbyist. The laws on lobbying need to be changed and highly regulated. These two new laws alone, will change the way government runs, and the attitudes of elected officials. People will think twice before they try to bribe or take a bribe knowing that the consequence will be severe if they are found guilty.
Corruption is bad, but the only thing worse than corruption is turning a blind eye to it, and allowing it to fester.
We deserve better than a politician that thinks the position that they hold is meant to further their career or fatten their bank accounts. I, for one, am sick of seeing politicians turn into reality TV personas. It must be easy for them to get lost in the limelight, and forget about the people that sent them to Washington or their State capitol to earn their pay and the vote that got them there.
It's time for "The People" to take these unscrupulous, incredulous, and narcissistic politicians and put them over our knee. The courts seem to think that these people are above the law or that they deserve some sort of lenient an preferential treatment when they flout the laws of this land. Corruption is rampant at every level of the government and the Blind Eye of the Law is bloodshot red. The only time the law is working or not, is when it pertains to us normal everyday people. That's when the judges are all high and mighty about taking their job seriously. WHAT EVER !!!!
This is my personal view, and don't care if anyone else agrees, but I seriously think that WE need to force the change to the political climate. Why? Because it's broken! Call all the Kings horses, and all the Kings men. Let's put this Humpty Dumpty, back together again....We need to vote in people that will take up laws that will punish severely those that claim to represent us in government, and choose to commit crimes in our names. The first step to cleaning the garbage out of government is to apply the Bribery Law more often, and change the way it is set up. The new law that should be in place would give judges the power to sentence ANYONE that gets elected to office at any level to 20 years MANDATORY sentence in a federal facility that takes a bribe, and 20 years to the person or persons also involved. Secondly, limiting the availability to lawmakers from lobbyist. The current law does not allow lobbyist in the chambers or offices of lawmakers, but they can hang out in the lobby and wait for them to come out and pounce with their checkbooks in hand. That is why they are called Lobbyist. The laws on lobbying need to be changed and highly regulated. These two new laws alone, will change the way government runs, and the attitudes of elected officials. People will think twice before they try to bribe or take a bribe knowing that the consequence will be severe if they are found guilty.
Corruption is bad, but the only thing worse than corruption is turning a blind eye to it, and allowing it to fester.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
What is an Independent?
An Independent does not mean that you are in the middle when it comes to Democrat or Republican party line. We choose to look at all the view points and decide for ourselves what we deem as truth, and vote accordingly. An Independent looks at the facts to make decisions that will affect which candidate best represents them. We are not beholden to any political party, and use our vote as our voice. A voice that is growing ever louder.
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