Saturday, June 11, 2011

Politics.... Such a dirty word!

Over the years, people have come to view politics as a bad word. And with good reason. All the hypocrisy and shenanigans that go in in the halls of justice, have been more entertainment than what it's meant for. REPRESENTATION! If by wheeling and dealing, prostitutes, and outright taking bribes under the table is representing us, then  we must be a sad people indeed. Ask yourselves, am I that type of person? If you are not, is your Congress person, Senator, or President representing you, as you think they are supposed to?

We deserve better than a politician that thinks the position that they hold is meant to further their career or fatten their bank accounts. I, for one, am sick of seeing politicians turn into reality TV personas. It must be easy for them to get lost in the limelight, and forget about the people that sent them to Washington or their State capitol to earn their pay and the vote that got them there.

It's time for "The People" to  take these unscrupulous, incredulous, and narcissistic politicians and put them over our knee. The courts seem to think that these people are above the law or that they deserve some sort of lenient an preferential treatment when they flout the laws of this land. Corruption is rampant at every level of the government and the Blind Eye of the Law is bloodshot red. The only time the law is working or not, is when it pertains to us normal everyday people. That's when the judges are all high and mighty about taking their job seriously. WHAT EVER !!!!

This is my personal view, and don't care if anyone else agrees, but I seriously think that WE need to force the change to the political climate. Why? Because it's broken! Call all the Kings horses, and all the Kings men. Let's put this Humpty Dumpty, back together again....We need to vote in people that will take up laws that will punish severely those that claim to represent us in government, and choose to commit crimes in our names. The first step to cleaning the garbage out of government is to apply the Bribery Law more often, and change the way it is set up. The new law that should be in place would give judges the power to sentence ANYONE that gets elected to office at any level to 20 years MANDATORY sentence in a federal facility that takes a bribe, and 20 years to the person or persons also involved. Secondly, limiting the availability to lawmakers from lobbyist. The current law does not allow lobbyist in the chambers or offices of lawmakers, but they can hang out in the lobby and wait for them to come out and pounce with their checkbooks in hand. That is why they are called Lobbyist. The laws on lobbying need to be changed and highly regulated. These two new laws alone, will change the way government runs, and the attitudes of elected officials. People will think twice before they try to bribe or take a bribe knowing that the consequence will be severe if they are found guilty.

Corruption is bad, but the only thing worse than corruption is turning a blind eye to it, and allowing it to fester.


  1. I am so appalled at the lack of transparency when it comes to lobbying and who is taking money from whom. When I see the kinds of relationships politicians form with lobbyists it makes me wonder how this stuff is not illegal. What is happening in Palestine right now is a direct result of the hardcore Zionist lobby in America. Money rules over lives, every day.

    I think if there were stricter laws against bribery this would definitely be a beginning.

  2. Unfortunately, war is profitable. Companies like Halliburton that use Lobbyist to influence those in power to continue needless wars throughout the world are the only ones that gain anything from it. It's the innocents that end up paying the price for their profiteering. Peace time is not profitable for warmongers with no just cause. Only the steady flow of money satisfies their need.

    The problem with war is that both sides feel they are in the right. Decisions are made by a few, and not by the masses. Wouldn't it be nice if only those few actually did the fighting? There is a time to fight, and there is a time for peace. Like I tell my children,never instigate a fight, but never back down from one either.
